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“Your Senses Will Deny you, so Deny your senses”

“Your Senses Will Deny you, so Deny your senses”

This quote came to me several weeks ago while meditating. I actually thought it was something Neville said (but I cannot find anything recorded/written online saying this...)

The undisciplined mind relies heavily on the senses, but our senses aren’t always correct. Haven’t you ever seen something that appeared to be one thing, triggering a response, and then you realize you were wrong? Such as seeing a snake and realizing it was a stick? What about the times when you thought you heard someone say something and they hadn’t?

Whenever your senses try to disprove something that you’ve seen in your imagination, deny them. Remind yourself that you HAVE seen it. You HAVE it.

Now, you might read this and say “Well, my bank account hasn’t changed. I see the numbers there. I have real bills to pay!”

And I would say, “Those numbers are false. You know the true amount in your account. You’ve seen it. and although you still have to pay those bills, it doesn’t change the FACT that you’re a wealthy person.”

You may read this and say, “I’m not married. Look, my finger is bare. I don’t feel a ring.”

and I would say, “What do you mean? Don’t you remember your wedding? Can’t you recall the feeling of love and warmth?”

Just because your senses do not see it in 3D does not mean it’s not YOURS ALREADY.

I write this because some of us have to go through our days being reminded of the old reality. And when that happens, I know how easy it can be to have thoughts of doubt creep up on you.

When this happens, I ask you to simply deny your senses. Do not let them try and be the master over you. If you can close your eyes and live inside your TRUE reality for even just 5 seconds, then do so. But if you can’t do that, then just remind yourself of WHO YOU ARE/What you can do/the Power of your awareness.
